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In the book you'll discover
  • Exactly What Option Trading Is
  • How To Build a Great Part Time or Full Time Income With No Boss & Have Complete Control of Your Time Through Option Trading
  • How to Take Control of Your Retirement Account and set yourself up to beat the markets in 2018 with easy, simple, and safe option spreads.
  • A complete 1-2-3 checklist of everything you need to start option trading so you can be equipped with the tools you need to invest with confidence.
  • Step-by-step guidance on how to develop your own high probability, low risk option trading strategy.
  • Learn to trade options the right way and gain confidence so you can avoid con-men and slick talking Wall Street types who just want your money and have no interest in seeing you succeed.
  • 10 Power Principles to Make Certain Your Option Trading Strategy Works - any one of these Power Principles can help you be a better trader. Combined, they could take your trading to the next level!
  • 7 Mistake Traders Routinely Make & How to Avoid Them – These mistakes cripple any trader’s ability to earn consistent profits trading. Avoiding them could give you the edge you are looking for.
  • And a whole lot more...


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Many traders tend to gloss over risk disclaimers, as if they are mere technicalities required in the course of business in this industry. This is a dangerous habit many traders have developed. With all trading strategies, there is "profit potential" and there is "risk potential". All too often, traders interpret "profit potential" as a "promise of profits", while at the same time, if risks are realized, the term "risk potential" is interpreted "I was duped". This is trading. There are risks, and these risks are very real. Risk potential means you could experience losses. Profit potential means you could experience profits. Past performance, whether hypothetical or real, does not diminish the risk potential of any strategy. The problem with simply glossing over risk disclaimers and not taking them seriously is that it causes traders to make decisions they would not otherwise make. Specifically, glossing over a risk disclaimer may lead to deciding to trade a strategy that you would otherwise decide against trading had you taken the risks associated with that strategy seriously. It also causes traders to stop trading strategies long before they should stop trading them because they did not take the risk disclaimer seriously.
Understanding risk is more important to the overall success of trading than you might think. In fact, your understanding of risk (or lack of understanding), affects virtually every trading decision you make from markets to trade, account size to start with, beginning trade size, levels at which you increase or decrease your trade size, and of course, how long to stay committed to a strategy. It is to your detriment to ignore this, and any other risk disclaimer associated with trading. Every strategy and trade opportunity associated with Options carries risk. In all cases, you decide whether the "profit potential" is worth the "risk potential".
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